Sunday, June 21, 2009

Week Two

Still on 60 mg per day of Claravis but I decided after getting so incredibly dry and itchy that I would spread it out throughout the day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. This makes it a little more difficult because I'd rather just do it all in one dose so I don't forget to take one. There have been a few I've forgotten, but for the most part, I've been doing well at remembering.

I'm alternating Purpose cleanser (morning) and Dove soap (night) as a facial wash and Purpose moisturizer with sunscreen (morning) and Eucerin Original Moisturizing Cream (night). I feel like the Purpose cleanser and moisturizer give me a lighter feeling that lasts throughout the day with makeup on, but the Dove and Eucerin routine at night keep me from drying out while I sleep. Even though the Eucerin is super thick and creamy and kind of makes my skin feel waxy, it really keeps me from getting more flaky overnight. I've also started using the Head and Shoulders Intensive shampoo. It has really helped my itchy scalp.

Again, here are pictures of front, right side, and left side views of my face, my back and my chest. No new developments, really, so that's good. Just continuing to get dryer, especially my lips and around my nose, mouth, and chin.

1 comment:

  1. You may want to set alarm alerts on your cell phone to help you remember to take the medicine. That's helped me in the past
