Sunday, June 21, 2009

Week Three

I feel like I'm starting to have a few more cystic breakouts now that the Claravis is in my system. This is the way my skin usually handles things that I throw at it: I will begin a new treatment and about a month later, it's like it gets immune to what I've been doing then breakout even angrier than before. However, I've been expecting this with the drug since the first month is supposedly the worst. It hasn't been all that bad, actually. As long as it doesn't get too much worse, I think I can handle it (knock on wood!).

Same routine: 60 mg a day, 3 times a day. Same cleanser and moisturizer. I did find some Carmex brand cherry lip protectant which feels more like lip gloss than the Aquaphor I've been using from the dermatologist - plus it has SPF 15. It seems to work about the same but I do have to put it on like 5 times a day or more. I'm super dry around my mouth and on my lips. The Eucerin treatment at night has helped my nose dryness some. Also, I've been sleeping with a humidifier running. I don't know how much good it's doing, but it can't hurt, right?

I've noticed I'm way less oily throughout the day as well. I used to wake up in the morning, wash, moisturize, and about an hour later, I could press my fingers across my forehead (not even wipe them across, just touch) and they would be shiny with oil... super gross. Now, I can go through the day and not feel oily at all.

Below are pictures for week three (no real noticable changes yet except maybe my chest):

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