Thursday, February 25, 2010

New face!

So this is an untouched picture of my new face as of a couple weeks ago. No makeup, just moisturizer. If you haven't seen my posts from 2009, go back and see that the change is AMAZING! It's worth the dry skin, the flakiness, the itching, the monthly blood tests, everything. I'm so much more confident now.

Super clear skin is possible!

So it's been a while since I've posted mainly because things got way crazier as the wedding got closer than I had imagined. I had very little acne by the time November 7, 2009 rolled around so I had beautiful wedding pictures! Here are a couple:

Getting my makeup done

The finished product in the mirror!

I still had some dark marks but no breakouts at all! I felt gorgeous that day. These two pictures speak for themselves.